PAPO get our maps printed on account at CQ (Copy Quality). . They offer a very good service, notify them a few working days before the event, for CQ to fit the print job into their schedule. Maps are generally printed on the Thursday/Friday before the event once pre-entry numbers are known. Ben Scott regularly prints PAPO’s maps at CQ and he will ensure they are printed in the correct way, so address the email to Ben when sending the prints.

PAPO has two main types of paper which are used for events.

In order to ensure that we get the best prices, it is best to:

  1. Combine files to minimise download fees, so order all your printing at once rather than spreading it out over several days, and combine Control Description pages into one multi page .PDF, rather than several.
  2. Send the files you need printed directly to [email protected]. (As maps are usually printed on Thursday/Friday, notify them earlier in the week to reserve a spot in their schedule).
  3. Use the description of the paper type required that they use: